Come and join us.
It’s free for the first session and then only £1 per session after that.

Come and join us.
It’s free for the first session and then only £1 per session after that.
We kept the New Years Day Gathering tradition alive.
Restricted numbers as per T3 requirements but we still had a mini tournament and some friendly competition fun.
This evening’s match against The Catherine Wheel, Marshfield, went right down to the wire.
After the 2 doubles games we were even: Wellow 1 – C Wheel 1 Stewart won his singles: 13/7 Wellow 2 – C Wheel 1
It was now all down to how Kevin, Jane and Bea did in their triple game!
We crossed our fingers….not whilst playing of course! But, with our boules landing all over the piste except where we wanted them, it felt like our fingers were tied together!
All seemed lost when our opponents pulled 5 points ahead of us straight away. But we pulled even and then managed to go one point up!
The Catherine Wheel players fought back and pulled ahead but we held in there with the triples game ending in a close win to them: 13/10.
The match ended in a draw: Wellow 2 – C Wheel 2
BUT….this is a knockout tournament with no return match, so points make a big difference. When they were added up it confirmed we had won 38 to 37……By only ONE POINT.
This means we progress into The Cup rounds and The Catherine Wheel will go into The Plate rounds.
I am so proud of our Wellow Boules players for what they are achieving this season.
We don’t know who we will play next but one thing is for sure:
It will be a hard team to beat, but we will give it our best shots.
Continuer à se batter – Wellow Boules!
Bonne Chance
So..what happened this evening against The Catherine Wheel?Well….. as promised the food was good….lovely curry, with all the trimmings.
The match was actually quite a struggle for us …they had some very good players so gaining points was a hard task, with a lot of measuring work for Kevin to decide on the close calls too.
Both teams won one doubles game each so we were even at half time. Then Kevin, Jane and Bea struggled to get going in the triples and Stewart started to lag behind in the singles. But, with Stewart pulling off one of his amazing comebacks to win his singles game, in the end it was a draw!
That means the final table for Division 4 looks like this:
We did it….we’re top of the table!
I must admit to a tiny bit of discrete eye leakage when I glanced over to see Stewart’s peg at 13 on the scoreboard. If anyone deserved to win the game that made the difference between us coming 2nd or 1st, it has to be Stewart. He has played consistently well throughout the season and was a major contributor to the point difference that has secured our promotion.
However, there is no ‘I’ in team and everyone has played their part in helping us do well:
Well done to all at Wellow Boules….quite frankly, an ‘Ab Fab’ group of people….. you all made this happen.
Now, who’s up for that celebration picnic at 2:30pm on Sunday 17th July? See this link for details: Picnic
2 May 2019 – Away against – Allez Pallies
A great start to the season with Wellow Boules having an excellent result, against an experienced team.
Result: A win
Game Points: Wellow – 44 A/Pallies – 26 Point difference 18
Match Points: Wellow – 3 A/Pallies – 1
Well done team and thanks for turning out on what must have been quite a wet and unpleasant night on the hill at Larkhall.
9 May 2019 – Home against – Allez Pallies
Well done Team, for another good result against the Allez Pallies.
Everyone played really well….and the Fox & Badger pub did us proud with the food.
Result: A draw – 2 game points each
Point scores – Wellow 44 – Allez P’s 31
Giving us a 13 points advantage – meaning we won technically on points scored.
Our Players this week were:
Doubles: Peter & Stewart and Mia & Shaun
Triples: Kevin, Peter and Shirley G
Singles: Stewart – 13 / 1….an amazing result, well played that man!
This was Mia’s first league team appearance and our young, cool headed ‘secret weapon’ won 5 of the points in her doubles game. A very good start indeed.
At home again next week ….against Northey Newbies, oh err?!
16 May 2019 – Home against – Northey Newbies
It was another good result against the Northey Newbies.
They have some very good players in their team so I feel our team all gave them a run for their points.
The result: A draw – 2 game points each
Point scores – Wellow 45 – Northey Newbies 33
Giving us an 8 points advantage – meaning technically, we won on points scored.
Our Players this week were:
Doubles: Peter & Stewart – won 13/0
Pat & Kevin – won 13/7
Triples: Kevin, Peter and Pat
Singles: Stewart
Both the above games were hard fought, with close results, but the win for each unfortunately went to our opponents.
23 May 2019 – Home against – COB Poets
Well done Wellow Boules. A fantastic result against the top team.
Result – A draw,
However, Wellow 45 points, Poets 30, making it a technical win against the top of the division 4 team and breaking their current run of wins!
I’m bursting with pride for our bunch of players; especially as we were short of people this week.
A special thank you to Mike and Christina who came to our aid. Christina was playing in her first ever league match for us and scored some useful points.
It’s good to have Jane back from her travels, Kevin admits to being ‘quite pleased’ with some of his shooting, which, knowing his liking for modesty, means it was very good. And, I understand Stewart did an excellent job in the singles again.
The Fox & Badger pub produced a gluten free, non red meat meal as one of the Poets players had food needs….Everyone was very complementary about the supper.
Salute Bea….currently a sun bed dweller!
30 May 2019 –Away against – COB Poets
Well….what can I say?!
Result: A draw
Kevin & Bea – 10:13
Stewart & Jane – 13:7
Kevin, Jane & Bea – 10:13
Stewart – 13:10
Points: Wellow 46 – Poets 43
So….another draw,! But, again a technical win to Wellow on points achieved.
This was a very enjoyable, fair, friendly match. Both teams played with cheerful determination; every point gained was hard won.
~ Jane & Stewart won their doubles convincingly: 13 – 7
~ Kevin and Bea came close to winning their doubles
~ Stewart kept a cool head in his singles. The points were tit for tat throughout, but he managed to push on to gain a win.
~ The triples game was a slow affair with the points creeping along one by one; the win finally going to Poets.
This is how the table looks at this stage:
Salute & Allez Les Purples!
We had a great afternoon of friendly rivalry ‘on the piste’ this New Year’s Day 2019. There was a good turn out of players and even a smattering of spectators to be seen huddling around the outdoor heater.
it was cold, but the rain held off so we downed a cup of warming mulled wine and set to playing boules. Mike did an excellent job on the BBQ, helping to keep us all well fed as we went along. Then there was soup and yet more mulled wine to warm us up in the pavilion at half-time.
After our social break, it was back to the job of playing the finals and with much determination (and quite a bit of hand signalling) Shoscombe pulled ahead .
THE FINAL RESULT – with the assistance of Wellow Boules very own ‘Dead-eyed Debbie’ out on loan to them, Shoscombe won the knockout tournament and a team from Wellow were well deserving runners-up.
Thank you to all that turned up, played, watched and made it a fun and friendly event. And, above that….for all your generosity in helping us to raise a £120 donation for the Wellow Children’s Play Park Appeal.
Boules will change from Wednesday evenings to Sunday afternoons:
Starting on Sunday 14th October 2017 at 2:30pm, until 4pm or the light fails.
All the family are welcome to come along and join in with the fun.
We’re there in the wind and the rain too!