Category Archives: Team Post

Thursday League – Update

This week we visited The Tollgate Inn at Holt to play their 4×4’s team; a very apt name as they have three ex-farmers and two of their wives playing for them!

Both teams were evenly matched and all the games went to high points.



Their piste is similar to ours and apparently they have the same issues with it that we have with ours?

Wellow Boules won the match: 3 -1 and achieved 51 game points.

The 4×4’s won 45 points, so it was not an easy win.

This is a good result against a side that has been playing several years longer than us.
Jane and Bea’s doubles match went on forever and ever.….                       It was finally won by them after both the other doubles and               the single game had been played!!

Kevin played so well again and only just missed winning the singles. It went 12:12. Then the 4×4’s sneaked in to win by taking the last point.

It is a pleasure to play 4×4’s and we             enjoyed a lovely social chat over the after match sandwiches; served with what we all agreed were very                 yummy pomme frites.

Here’s how the table stands:

Doing well, so far!


Next week we play Compton… of the table and haven’t lost a game this year…..Oh err?!!!

Allez Wellow, so proud to be part of this team 🙂


Thursday League – Update

Allez Wellow!!

When we entered the Thursday League we really had no idea how we would do. To be honest we expected to struggle against the much more established and experienced local teams.

However, we have not done too bad so far.





At least we are not bottom of the table!

In fact we have won 2 matches. Jane and Kevin even pulled off a six point end in their winning doubles last week.

Season End

And so, it is with a heavy heart that we walk away from the dark………

………bringing the Wellow Boules 2017 Season to an end.

‘Merci beaucoup’ to all those that came ‘out to play’ and helped us establish a Wellow Boules Group to be proud of.
‘Et, merci beaucoup’ to the ‘Hardy Half Dozen’  that saw it through to the bitterly cold end.  We will no longer be freezing our ‘petite derrière’, but  …….WE WILL BE BACK!!!!

Salute 2017!……                 Recommencer en 2018’…..

…….All are invited to join us:

On:     New Year’s Day @ 1pm

for fun, games and some wintery fresh air

For:    Vin Chaud sur la Piste avec Saucisse de Toulouse et du pain!