WVT ‘Summertime Slam Tournament’ – Sunday 2 July 2017

Wellow Boules was ‘On the Piste’  at Wellow Playing Field                 on Sunday 2nd July 2017,  1:30 – 5:00pm                                                       for WVT  ‘Summertime Slam Tournament’        

Wellow Boules brought ‘une touche de classe’ to the event in our smart new team kit.

Before things (and the new kit) got messy!

Was the ‘sun shining on the righteous’ or did the ‘devil look after his own’  today?

What a great day, in good company with:

Sun, sausages, snacks, Pimms o’clock  and…..  

…. lots of boules played.

But only after Harry, our new ‘Arbitre de pétanque’, scrutinised the boules very carefully…..

Harry, Le petit joueur!

Let play begin!

Shirley demonstrating that it takes concentration, style and a suntan to play boules!


Callum watching Pat lining up alongside Louisa…. ….our new and rather cute, little star player!

“They all look the same to me….but the one closest is MINE!”


One of the tennis players giving it a go


and, very stylish she is too!

 Everyone is welcome to come and toss a few boules with us …. …

‘Deux  Joueurs débutants’  were in the team that won the tournament.

To the winners the spoils ….. félicitations, Pat et Christian

You won a hard fought game 13 v 12

Well done!

Nibbles all gone and great deal of justice done to the Pimm’s……

Yep, things did get messy! — at Wellow Playing Field.
