What amazingly good weather we all had for the 68th Wellow Flower Show!
Here are a few photo’s of Wellow Boules at the show:
Medals ready for the Wellow Flower Show – Boules Championship 2017
So close! Keep trying…..they do go into the target sometimes….The 1:1 coaching from Mia helped a lot…. this young man did very well. He got a ball into the bulls-eye and won a prize from the table.Selecting sweets for getting balls into the target area is a serious business!Bronze medal winner ….but only after a play-off against Wellow Boules’ youngest team member!The very proud Silver Medal Winner Hugh, and his equally proud brother with his Sports Medal.Gold Medal Winner….pleased with le rustique too!
Thank you to everyone that kindly joined in and had a bit of fun with the Target Game on the boules piste with us.