Winners of the New year’s Day Event

We had a great afternoon of friendly rivalry ‘on the piste’ this New Year’s Day 2019. There was a good turn out of players and even a smattering of spectators to be seen huddling around the outdoor heater.

The battle commenced between teams from Wellow and Shoscombe, with ‘heater hugging’ supports cheering them on!

it was cold, but the rain held off so we downed a cup of warming mulled wine and set to playing boules. Mike did an excellent job on the BBQ, helping to keep us all well fed as we went along. Then there was soup and yet more mulled wine to warm us up in the pavilion at half-time.

After our social break, it was back to the job of playing the finals and with much determination (and quite a bit of hand signalling) Shoscombe pulled ahead .

Serious waving of hands and precise measurements are essential in the pursuit of boules!

THE FINAL RESULT – with the assistance of Wellow Boules very own ‘Dead-eyed Debbie’ out on loan to them, Shoscombe won the knockout tournament and a team from Wellow were well deserving runners-up.

Players and supporters were all happy to retreat to the warmth of the Sport Pavilion for mulled wine, soup and cakes….and to watch Team Shoscombe accept the NYD 2019 winners trophy from Wellow Boules Chair, Bea.
The Wellow runners-up team didn’t look all that impressed with their booby prize!

Thank you to all that turned up, played, watched and made it a fun and friendly event. And, above that….for all your generosity in helping us to raise a £120 donation for the Wellow Children’s Play Park Appeal.