COB Thursday league – Knockout Tournament

This evening’s match against The Catherine Wheel, Marshfield, went right down to the wire.

After the 2 doubles games we were even: Wellow 1  –  C Wheel 1 Stewart won his singles: 13/7                   Wellow 2  –  C Wheel 1
It was now all down to how Kevin, Jane and Bea did in their triple game! 

We crossed our fingers….not whilst playing of course! But, with our boules landing all over the piste except where we wanted them, it felt like our fingers were tied together!

All seemed lost when our opponents pulled 5 points ahead of us straight away. But we pulled even and then managed to go one point up!

The Catherine Wheel players fought back and pulled ahead but we held in there with the triples game ending in a close win to them: 13/10.

The match ended in a draw:   Wellow 2  –  C Wheel 2

BUT….this is a knockout tournament with no return match, so points make a big difference. When they were added up it confirmed we had won 38 to 37……By only ONE POINT.

This means we progress into The Cup rounds and The Catherine Wheel will go into The Plate rounds.


I am so proud of our Wellow Boules players for what they are achieving this season.

We don’t know who we will play next but one thing is for sure:

It will be a hard team to beat, but we will give it our best shots.

Continuer à se batter – Wellow Boules!
Bonne Chance

League Update

So..what happened this evening against The Catherine Wheel?Well….. as promised the food was good….lovely curry, with all the trimmings.

The match was actually quite a struggle for us …they had some very good players so gaining points was a hard task, with a lot of measuring work for Kevin to decide on the close calls too.

Both teams won one doubles game each so we were even at half time. Then Kevin, Jane and Bea struggled to get going in the triples and Stewart started to lag behind in the singles. But, with Stewart pulling off one of his amazing comebacks to win his singles game, in the end it was a draw!

That means the final table for Division 4 looks like this:

We did it….we’re top of the table!

I must admit to a tiny bit of discrete eye leakage when I glanced over to see Stewart’s peg at 13 on the scoreboard. If anyone deserved to win the game that made the difference between us coming 2nd or 1st, it has to be Stewart. He has played consistently well throughout the season and was a major contributor to the point difference that has secured our promotion.

However, there is no ‘I’ in team and everyone has played their part in helping us do well: 

  • the people that turned out to play for us, especially those that rescued us from being a player short 
  • the supporters
  • the social players that help the league players practice their skills during social play
  • those that simply read my drivel and kindly send words of encouragement
  • The Fox & Badger for making our after match meals the talk of the division

Well done to all at Wellow Boules….quite frankly, an ‘Ab Fab’ group of people….. you all made this happen.

Now, who’s up for that celebration picnic at 2:30pm on Sunday 17th July?  See this link for details: Picnic